19 de mayo de 2007
12:10 p. m.

Un Antirrecomendado (No 1.)

Aléguele a Octav
Siguiendo con el tema del cine y la televisión, Teleantioquia (o cualquier canal regional para los que no son de estas tierras) en día festivo donde solo dan películas de drama de finales de los 80, o sea, películas de tres horas que tratan sobre niños con cancer cuya madre es golpeada por el padrastro que abusa sexual y económicamente de la familia. Eso hace estos días más patéticos y todavía me parece increible que tengan algo de rating.


  At 2:25 p. m. Anonymous Anónimo said:

uy Gracias por este dato!!

Muy cierto esos melodramas no se como los financian!
es verdad, o si no son los programas de realidad juvenil para que los padres puedan "entender a sus hijos", y que en realidad son programas patéticos que muestran una realidad manipulada
Aunque no generalizo, la mayoria si son así

  At 5:22 p. m. Blogger David. said:

Estimado Octav, Vivo en Barranquilla pero me sale la señal de Teleantioquia a través del cable, no se si para fortuna o desgracia.

Aparte que los festivos son una incitación al suicidio por sí solos, le añaden películas que a uno le darían ganas de ahorcarse con el caucho de los calzoncillos. Ni hablar de la programación de canales con mayor poder adquisitivo, eso si es peor. Al menos en un canal regional no se vería tan mal….pero para otros canales……ni se diga.

Creo que el tema de la televisión es una fuente inagotable de ideas para proximos post, no creas que es estancarse en una sola cosa………hay mucha tela por cortar.


jejeje que risa me dio al ver el comentario que supuestamente hubiera puesto yo sobre risitos de oro.... jejeje

  At 10:43 p. m. Blogger Octav said:

Freewill: A la orden. Supongo que no falta la tía que se sienta a llorarlos y por eso los siguen dando.

esteban: bueno, al menos esos programas no alientan el suicidio colectivo, aunque son bien mediocres y lo que realmente fomentan es la desinformación.

dynamo: Bueno, en la televisión nacional en vez de dramas dan películas de supersoldados (bala y más bala) que también son de los años 80, el efecto es similar pero no el mismo. En cuanto a eso de estancarse, de hecho lo estaba pensando y creo que le he dedicado mucho a ese tema, pero es cierto, sigue dando de que hablar.

señorita decente: pues tratamos de ser fieles a los hechos, esperamos que te haya gustado y no haya ofendido.

Por cierto, nosotros no olvidamos nuestros viejos post e invitamos a comentar en ellos tambie´n.
Me fuí hacia "El pequeño Larousse" y encontré esto:

PATÉTICO, A adj. (gr. pathitikós). Se dice del gesto, actitud, etc., que expresa padecimiento moral, angustia, pasión o un sentimiento intenso, o que emociona o conmueve.

MULETILLA s.f. ...3. Palabra o expresión que se repite innecesariamente en el lenguaje.

De acuerdo, la programación es poco variada y sigue muchas veces el patrón que menciona C, pero, ¡admitámoslo!, Teleantioquia es de lo poco que le queda a la televisión colombiana, donde se ejerce algún tipo de comunicación social.
Es claro que las películas tratan temas sociales, muchas veces tristes, pero al final (casi siempre), queda un mensaje claro, de superación, de lucha, no solo para los niños, sino para todos, porque nos creemos "muy criaditos", cuando la verdad, muchas veces tenemos que repasar primaria, incluso, grados anteriores, lo de la casa, tan fundamental(hasta Barney se vuelve interesante, y muchos lo conocimos por Teleantioquia. A mi me parece excelente, que un canal que llega a tantas partes del mundo, fomente valores, independiente de la religión.
Teleantioquia, a mi modo de ver tiene una propuesta muy clara, enfocada a las regiones, donde hay tantos y tantos problemas que bien que mal, en el calorcito de la ciudad, estamos lejos de entenderlos. Yo puedo decir, como mal televidente que he sido, que me vi muchas peliculas de teleantioquia, y de las pocas veces que me siento a canaliar, casi siempre paro en nuestro canal regional, sea para ver los animales y el hombre, una pelicula de las que menciona C, o una de Cantinflas, que no me canso de repetirlas.
lo que primero le llegó a mi generación "de afuera", por medio de la parabólica, fueron los canales peruanos, pero la verdad, poco me quedó del propio Perú, salvo banalidades, como los top show donde se insultaban a sueldo, y una que otra idea de la gastronomia por "la cocina de don Pedrito", el resto eran producciones Norteamericanas. Yo creo que T.A. transmite tanto la esencia del pueblo Antioqueño, como le es posible, y si nos quedamos un ratico, vemos que no es tan "patética".

  At 5:20 a. m. Blogger Arias said:

jajaja en serio este blog es una delicia...

sin embargo, no estoy seguro si es peor esa pelicula, o el Factor X

y ese es todos los dias

y tiene mas rating

que mundo mas inexplicable
..Octav...salites con tu cachacada , no solo tenes razon en esto de los peliculones que de alguna manera explotan la miseria humana, y eso que tenes mucha suerte de ser muchachon y ver el cine que se ve ahora, imaginate lo que nos toco ver a los "maduritos", ve pues, como pa'sentase uno a llorar,mi'acuerdo y me'entra com'una rasquiñita, sentasi'uno en el Junin a ver esas "charradas" interminables de meros meros aventando tequila toda la pelicula y echando bala comu'el p...s, en arranques del mas cursi machismo que te podas imaginar, si'agarraban a pezcozones y nian se les caia el sombreron ese y pa'cabar di'ajustar en blanco y negro, es'uera un suplicio chino; y ni que contate de las argentinas , ve Otav, arrancaban con un tango ,pero de disco rayao, asi como temblaito de lo purito malo qu'era el sonido y siempre lloriquiando la protagonista,la mayoria de las veces con Libertad Lamarque y el tema ,agrarrate mijito querido, siempre tenian que bailar el tango, hasta en un entierro,con ese pelo los hombres tod'uaplastao por la gomina o glostora como se llamaba es'untura pa entiezar el pelo, y las chachas, con unos batilongos anchos que al voliar el trasero les dejaba ver casi el muslo, lo suficiente para que la Accion Catolica las clasificara como "estrictamente para mayores de 21" ,pa'morite vos de la risa, no se veia nada y cuando mostraban alguito mas arribita o un escotico decentico los del teatro le cortaban a la cinta esa parte pa'podela presentar porque si no se las zumbaban a "prohibida para todo catolico" y se fregaban pues nadie iba, como te parece el batido? aunque en si era mas peligrosa una sopita e'fideos.

Ve, una cosita Octav, y nu'es por nada, ni nada por el estilo,ni'an por chicaniate, ois?, cuand'hicieron la primera pelicula en Medellin, asi como medio presentable en teatro de estreno, se llamaba Colombia Linda y la hizo Camilo Correa ,la compañia se llamaba Procinal, el tecnico se mantenia bebiendo, medio rascaito a toda hora, en esa yo fui artista,como te parece y te va hilando el merequetengue ... artista,solo sali unos minuticos pero mijo querido llegue al cine...como te parecio?...ah ah, decim'ia ver,eso si ,era bien especial ,la pelicula duraba tres horas y no tenia argumento,la artista era tremenda muchachona creo se llamaba Nidia Cardenas,muy linda , en toda la pelicula no se llego a cambiar el vestido, aunque era con tomas en la costa y hasta en el nevado del ruiz, era un desfile de serenateros y merenderos que ni te cuento...es mejor ni acordame,pero sabe y entende que soy "artista del celuloide" y de "pantalla grande" oites?, eso pa"que empapes di'una vez....


  At 11:57 a. m. Blogger Octav said:

Noájida: Yo también busqué cositas, pero esta vez en la real academia (si, yo también puedo):

explicación: (Del lat. explicatĭo, -ōnis). f. Declaración o exposición de cualquier materia, doctrina o texto con palabras claras o ejemplos, para que se haga más perceptible.

innecesario, ria: adj. No necesario.

Pues el que las peliculas tengan un mensaje no les quita lo aburridor y más cuando la formulita aquella se repite en cada oportunidad y entre la infinidad de propuestas educativas posibles para llegarle a la gente, esta es sin duda una de las más insoportables y para tener tanta calidad como ud menciona, al medio en cuestión le falta un poco de creatividad. Realmente el interés no era cuestionar la calidad de Teleantioquia, en lo cual estoy de acuerdo con usted, pero si de su programación solo en los días festivos, y cuando dan esas películas.

Arias:Gracias por tu visita. Sí, el factor X tiene su problema...existir. Al menos éste nos da la opción de ridiculizarlo en cada emisión.

  At 2:04 p. m. Anonymous Anónimo said:

En España tambien coinciden los exitos de televisión con la repugnancia. Creo que se está perdiendo el buén gusto y la escala de valores.

  At 8:47 p. m. Anonymous Anónimo said:

Me uno a la causa. Las películas de tele arepa son de lo peor;los finales son tan predecibles....a lo último muestran el típico juicio...tan largo, tan lento, tan aburridor;la señora se queda con los hijos, y al papá violador lo meten a la carcel, y la sobrinita con cancer se alivia, y extrañamente llega al juicio con su gorrito de lana a hacer llorar a medio mundo (medio mundo es la gente que actua en la película). Por último, toda la familia aparece feliz, la señora estrenando novio, y la niña del gorrito de lana soplando las velitas de una torta.
Conclusión. Lo único valioso que debemos aprender de este tipo de películas es que no debemos verlas, y definitivamente Tele Antioquia tiene uno de los peores contenidos de cualquier canal regional, un formato viejo que no permite que se adhieran nuevos públicos, pues no es atractivo como opción, ni siquiera para aprender nada. Es un canal geriátrico. Si siguen así, van a ser la competencia directa de Tele Vida.

Saludos, y por favor, No eduquen a sus hijos con Tele Antioquia...tienden a arrugarse antes de tiempo.

Un abrazo.
Nicolás Valencia

  At 2:57 p. m. Blogger Octav said:

Carlos: Bueno, la escala de valores nunca ha estado bien realmente. No creo qeu sea un problema solo de España.

Nicolás:EL problema de teleantioquia noe s tanto de contenido, sino de formato, tal como lo mencionas y si es cierto, que hay mejores medios para educar a lso hijos qeu ponerlos a ver televisión.
Sigue mi ejemplo, los días lunes festivos todo el día juego Mortal Kombat,,,

  At 10:06 p. m. Blogger Octav said:

Alejandro: aunque Mortal Kombat es todo un clásico entre los juegos de video, realmente no me da para dedicarle todo el día. Prefiero además realizar otras y diversas actividades, como por ejemplo, interactuar con otros seres humanos (sin "fatalities" ni nada de eso).

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  At 11:54 a. m. Anonymous Anónimo said:

Este blog ha sido eliminado por un administrador de blog.

  At 11:34 p. m. Anonymous Anónimo said:

Este blog ha sido eliminado por un administrador de blog.

  At 6:35 p. m. Anonymous Anónimo said:

Este blog ha sido eliminado por un administrador de blog.

  At 1:30 p. m. Anonymous Anónimo said:

[url=http://www.adidasforum.com/adidas-originals-2010/]Adidas Forum[/url]
Now here's a shoe-in for the list of the year's best gaming-related clothing : Adidas has brought back its ZX 5 hundred running shoe, and, since it originally is from the '80s, the gaming galvanized design and coloring is a no-brainer ... Right? The kicks won't be the coolest part of the deal, either ; they come packaged with a combination bracelet/USB flashdrive containing ZX Runner, a PC game based primarily on ... The shoe itself.

GameCulture writes that the game stars a character named'DJ Zed' who, according to Adidas, has 5 mins to'run, moon-walk, climb walls, avoid some dodgy-looking thugs, collect power-ups, and pull off loony rooftop-to-rooftop stunts' in order to get on-stage before his set starts. It appears to be fittingly retro -- see for yourself in the video we've included after the breakdance.

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  At 3:24 a. m. Anonymous Anónimo said:

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  At 12:54 p. m. Anonymous Anónimo said:

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  At 4:08 p. m. Anonymous Anónimo said:

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  At 1:32 p. m. Anonymous Anónimo said:

Este blog ha sido eliminado por un administrador de blog.

  At 6:11 a. m. Anonymous Anónimo said:

But now I have be stricken to put faith that the all in all domain is an riddle, a non-toxic conundrum that is made hideous on our own fuming attempt to spell out it as in spite of it had an underlying truth.

  At 8:54 a. m. Anonymous Anónimo said:

But now I have come to believe that the all in all domain is an problem, a non-toxic enigma that is made terrible aside our own fuming assault to explicate it as though it had an underlying truth.

  At 2:23 p. m. Anonymous Anónimo said:

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  At 2:57 a. m. Anonymous Anónimo said:

A man begins sneering his discernment teeth the first time he bites out more than he can chew.

  At 10:45 a. m. Anonymous Anónimo said:

To be a good lenient being is to procure a kind of openness to the mankind, an skill to group undeterminable things beyond your own pilot, that can take you to be shattered in hugely extreme circumstances on which you were not to blame. That says something uncommonly outstanding thither the condition of the ethical passion: that it is based on a trustworthiness in the unpredictable and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a spy than like a prize, something fairly fragile, but whose very special attractiveness is inseparable from that fragility.

  At 2:29 p. m. Anonymous Anónimo said:

To be a good lenient being is to procure a make of openness to the far-out, an skill to group unsure things beyond your own manage, that can front you to be shattered in unequivocally exceptional circumstances on which you were not to blame. That says something uncommonly important about the get of the ethical passion: that it is based on a corporation in the fitful and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a plant than like a treasure, something fairly tenuous, but whose acutely item attraction is inseparable from that fragility.

  At 4:04 p. m. Anonymous Anónimo said:

To be a noble charitable being is to from a philanthropic of openness to the world, an cleverness to trusteeship unsure things beyond your own restrain, that can take you to be shattered in very extreme circumstances on which you were not to blame. That says something exceedingly important about the prerequisite of the principled compulsion: that it is based on a conviction in the fitful and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a spy than like a prize, something rather fragile, but whose extremely particular attraction is inseparable from that fragility.

  At 8:42 p. m. Anonymous Anónimo said:

To be a upright lenient being is to be enduring a kind of openness to the world, an skill to group aleatory things beyond your own restrain, that can lead you to be shattered in unequivocally exceptionally circumstances pro which you were not to blame. That says something exceedingly impressive about the condition of the ethical autobiography: that it is based on a conviction in the up in the air and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a weed than like a jewel, something somewhat dainty, but whose extremely particular attraction is inseparable from that fragility.

  At 8:50 a. m. Anonymous Anónimo said:

Distress ferments the humors, casts them into their right channels, throws substandard redundancies, and helps nature in those hush-hush distributions, without which the body cannot subsist in its vigor, nor the man dissimulate with cheerfulness.

  At 11:51 a. m. Anonymous Anónimo said:

Vex ferments the humors, casts them into their proper channels, throws substandard redundancies, and helps nature in those secretive distributions, without which the body cannot subsist in its vigor, nor the incarnation fake with cheerfulness.

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Suggestions on How to satisfy Girls at the Mall

If you happen to be just one guy and aren't the superior at locating a lot less meeting girls and are wondering where you may visit come across and encounter a young lady, then these ten reasonable hints on how to satisfy a woman at the local mall, should certainly arrive in mighty handy.

1 - Go with the food court. Think it or not, the foodstuff court may be the absolute most effective area inside the shopping mall to meet a toddler. Here's what you do. Choose a foodstuff area and get in line for the meal. Even while you , yourself are in line, check all-around the location exactly where anyone is sitting and eating. Glance for a girlfriend seated alone, as well as two girls seated together. When you might have your meal in hand, walk more than to where by she or they may be sitting and find out if you'll be able to join them. If you're trustworthy and straightforward with them, your probabilities are pretty wonderful.

2- Do some contemplating. Just before you even take into account planning towards local mall to fulfill a girl, sit all by yourself down and do some considerable pondering. Think of how you may get together a female and what you could say to her if you're effective. Look at which components of your shopping mall you would pay a visit to. Also, you are about to will need to purchase anything whilst there, what do you'll need? In conclusion, give some thought to what meeting a female inside a public site entails. Definitely you will have to seem to be for any wedding ring previously speaking to some toddler, and you're likely to need to think of if it is wiser to speak to some toddler alone or one particular who is with others. Lastly, you might have to become sensible about your personal age as well as ages with the female you need to fulfill. As in, you're likely to be required to inform your own self to become practical and do not have a go with to meet girls which are a great deal younger or older than you may be, or that look and feel out of your respective league.

3 - Request be of assistance. The moment you can be ultimately along at the mall, a single with the techniques to meet girls is by asking them for support. Ladies understand that males have no concept what they can be executing when they are buying, so asking for facilitate won't seem such a ridiculous idea. Ask for help in picking out a jacket for your self as an example. Working on so let's the woman know that you are single. If she agrees to aid you, consult her other questions as you grab various jackets to try out on.

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Rihanna established her dance-pop credentials in summer 2005 with her debut smash hit, "Pon de Replay," and continued to demonstrate such hit potential in subsequent years (e.g., "S.O.S." in 2006; "Umbrella" in 2007; "Disturbia" in 2008). However, it was the singer's third album, Good Girl Gone Bad, that made her a full-fledged international pop star with a regular presence atop the charts. Born Robyn Rihanna Fenty on February 20, 1988, in Saint Michael, Barbados, she exhibited a certain star quality as a young child, often winning beauty and talent contests.
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Both women and men can have the difficulties of keeping their wardrobe up-to-date and in time, yet men's fashion often feels a lot easier. Of program, for both genders, costumes and style options can be equally as complicated, and there are many'modern'items which can easily become fashion faux pas - who can say they often see people walking around in 70s flares? On the other hand, men's style has a few choice goods that can exist eternally - which man is planning to watch out of place with a good-quality, tailored suit, for example? Choose classic cuts, colours and fabrics and you'll never look out-of-place.

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Modern movements in classic men's fashion

Whilst common men's designs will never be replaced, it's interesting to note that changes in men's fashion trends have brought particular traditional clothes back to fashion. The acceptance of vintage clothing, particularly, has had back a wide-variety of classic styles into men's closets, such as that of the dandy man. 'Dandy'is a term used to reference men who dress in a classic yet lavish way, acting in a sophisticated method and placing importance on appearance. This tendency for almost'over-the-top'traditional style for men is apparent from events including the'Tweed Run', where men and women of all ages dress in especially Victorian-style clothing and decide to try the streets on vintage bicycles - with lots of the men wearing perfect mustaches! That is just one of many samples of data presenting the resurrection of such variations. Additionally, there are numerous blogs online which concentrate on gentlemanly type - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as entire sites such as'The Art of Manliness'focused on providing articles on basic men's fashion and grooming.

In conclusion, although certain issues with classic men's fashion could be brought back as new developments, the essential outfits that they derive from will never slip out of fashion.

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Then you will know more about it so you can make an smart decision and move forward with confidence.

The general complexities of men's and women's style

Both women and men can have the difficulties of keeping their clothing up-to-date and in time, yet men's style often feels a lot less difficult. Of course, for both sexes, garments and style options could be just as complicated, and there are several'trendy'things that could easily become fashion faux pas - who is able to say they frequently see people running around in 70s flames? On the other hand, men's style features a few choice things that can exist eternally - which man is planning to look out of position with a good-quality, tailored suit, for instance? Select classic cuts, colors and fabrics and you'll never look out-of-place.

Why basic men's style is timeless

The traditional man's suit has barely changed for over a hundred years. True, there are numerous kinds for different situations, nevertheless they are all popular in their pursuit of a wise, sharp search for the wearer. The best part about classic fashion for men is that it is simply elegant effectively neat. A well-groomed man can almost always appear his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and this is a testament to the style of such apparel. A suit will undoubtedly be used to work in several professions due to the professional search it offers to the person, instilling a feeling of respect and confidence. Similarly a match will undoubtedly be utilized to several social situations, such as a tuxedo to a black-tie event. This incredible versatility that allows suits to be worn in almost all functions is what gives it its eternal side and a permanent devote men's fashion.

Contemporary developments in traditional men's style

Although classic men's designs can never be replaced, it is interesting to remember that changes in men's fashion trends have produced certain classic garments back to fashion. The popularity of vintage clothing, specifically, has had back a wide-variety of classic styles into men's closets, such as that of the dandy man. 'Dandy'is a term used to reference men who dress in a classic yet extravagant way, placing importance on appearance and operating in a sophisticated approach. This development for nearly'over-the-top'classic style for men is apparent from events like the'Tweed Run', where men and women of all ages dress yourself in significantly Victorian-style clothing and decide to try the streets on vintage bicycles - with many of the men sporting impressive mustaches! This really is just one of many samples of data showing the revival of such variations. Additionally, there are numerous blogs online which focus on gentlemanly type - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as whole websites such as'The Art of Manliness'specialized in providing articles on classic men's fashion and grooming.

In conclusion, although specific issues with traditional men's style can be brought back as new developments, the essential clothes that they are derived from will never slip out of fashion.

"All it will take really are a few simple outfits. And there is one secret - the easier the better." - Cary Grant

StyleGun is an online men's fashion store with a complex angle.
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BuT qsGB t xsDL http://www.topguccija.com/ vhKC s fpII yiTY [url=http://www.topguccija.com/]GUCCI バック[/url] RdF nyTY a vlAD http://www.onlineguccijp.com/ qvFM d auAF egNR [url=http://www.onlineguccijp.com/]GUCCI バック[/url] BkG zvYM u znQZ http://www.coachbuymajp.com/ swYB n uyRL ywHQ [url=http://www.coachbuymajp.com/]コーチ 財布[/url] FgB lzHS s hqVB http://www.guccilikejp.com/ ikSM r aiUP tuLH [url=http://www.guccilikejp.com/]グッチ アウトレット[/url] FgX uqXF d iaBM http://www.bestguccija.com/ caOK s zmJR pmVW [url=http://www.bestguccija.com/]グッチ 財布[/url] VhM reWU o ufNX http://www.coachcojp.com/ slKA v lyWN htFG [url=http://www.coachcojp.com/]コーチ アウトレット[/url] OaH dlAC e ypKT http://www.2013coachjp.com/ chCH k fbOW uwPY [url=http://www.2013coachjp.com/]コーチ バッグ[/url] VpZ oaEJ x zoMQ http://www.eguccijp.com/ liPS b hrEK xtCI [url=http://www.eguccijp.com/]グッチ バック[/url]

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  At 4:16 a. m. Anonymous Anónimo said:

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The business offers 1 [url=http://muahotdeal.com/thoi-trang.html]muachung[/url] for each day in each and every of the marketplaces it serves. The Groupon operates as an assurance arrangement creating use of ThePoint's system: if a specific sum of people signal up for the provide you, then the deal becomes supplied to all if the predetermined minimal is not content, no one particular gets the offer that day. This decreases threat for suppliers, who can treat the low cost discount codes as quantity reductions as properly as cash flow advertising and marketing methods. Groupon helps make cash by retaining about fifty per cent the cash the consumer pays for the coupon.

For scenario in level, an $80 therapeutic massage could be acquired by the customer for $forty by way of Groupon, and then Groupon and the retailer would split the $forty. That is, the retailer gives a therapeutic massage valued at $eighty and gets about $twenty from Groupon for it (underneath a 50%/fifty% split). Or, if $240 really really worth of home portray providers is bought by the client for $fifty by way of Groupon, then the organization gets $twenty five and Groupon retains $25. The customer gets the massage, or the residence portray support, in these illustrations, from the retailer for which they at first paid out out $forty (or $fifty) to Groupon. There are certain firms to which Groupon originally did not offer you you its organizations, including getting photographs ranges and strip clubs nevertheless, taking images ranges have been showcased on Groupon.

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There are probably difficulties with the organization design. For case in position, a effective provide could speedily swamp a small organization with way way too quite a few consumers, jeopardizing a opportunity that customers will be dissatisfied, or that there will not be sufficient resolution to meet up with the want. Gap, a enormous clothing retailer, was ready to deal with 445,000 coupon codes in a nationwide offer you (regardless of the reality that it well-informed server troubles at one particular distinct phase), but a more compact sized organization could develop to be abruptly flooded with clientele. A single espresso shop in Portland, Oregon struggled with an boost in buyers for 3 months, when it sold around to a single,000 Groupons on the one particular particular working day it was introduced, in accordance to one particular report. In response to equivalent troubles, Groupon officers position out that 'deal' subscriptions ought to be capped in progress to a smart range.

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